About Us

Who We Are

Heureka Trading Consulting (SL) Limited is a strategic trading, energy, consulting and innovation company with sister companies in Nigeria and global partnership established. Our subdivision is developing next-generation renewable technologies (electric cars) and more to safely drive the future of mobility across cities. Our meticulous positioning in the African marketplace is to responsibly meet the growing need to bridge the trade barriers in Africa's Mining, Mineral Trade and Energy industry delivering avant-garde and practicable solutions to all clients from startups to multinationals.

Energy accessibility underscores the holistic opportunities that aid seamless mobility across our cities, drive the comforts in our human endeavors, as also impact our economic prosperity which in turn fuels social progression and inclusion. This singular industry influences palpably and virtually all others and life on earth. Heureka Trading And Consulting (SL) Limited (HTCSLLtd) was birth as a Child of Necessity to take Energy, Mining and Technology Development from within the African market space to the world. Over the last few years until birth it has evolved from a mere commodities broker to a company with an advanced trade, consulting and energy mission like non before it.

Our company's penchant for innovation and strategic solutions that enhance trading in mineral assets has brought safety, satisfaction and profitability to its clients and partners across the world. As an emerging industry player with a paradigm shifting focus to fuel new realms of growth, productivity, carbon minimalism and security in niche market, as also inspiring new aspect of the energy management and renewables project development.

We operate assets, brokerage/R&D consultancy, project management and trade representation from our base in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Nigeria. We service a wide range of international clients whilst exploring possibilities that will certainly shape the future of Africa and the world's energy sufficiency and sustainability. Our research and develop technological pursuits in green automobiles and more is poised to impact the tripartite challenge of fueling global economies, enhancing mobility as well ensuring climate change is addressed.